Saturday, February 27, 2010

Francine, Francine

Our baby damulag has the cutest wardrobe (hand-me-downs courtesy of Manang Thirdy, Manang Bea, Tita Timi and yours truly). She has a knack for onesies and anything pink. Hope there'll be more smiling than crying in the next few months!

Color of the day: Tickled pink with a dash of mint

An oral exam

At 9:15 this morning my philosophy professor gave me 5 seconds to say my final statement, the last statement I would ever say as a philosophy student under Mike Mariano, EVER. I wanted to say something with depth, something that would at least give him something to chew on. But being the frantic, over analytical me, I ended up saying something quirky. I said "Sir I'm going to cry, I'm going to die and crawl into my cave." Not the least bit impressive. It's not even in the same country as impressive, more like impressionistic. I gave away a statement of my raw emotions the moment I hit the 15 minute mark and sealed my fate of all that is Ateneo philosophy. Besides, I'm only 2 major projects and another oral exam away from freedom. Sigh.

It was a God awful feeling to walk out of that consultation room without saying anything systematic or sensible. I guess my thoughts were just drawn in hazy dabs enough to see what I meant but not really getting the gist of it. Oh how so Monet of me. Good enough.