Sunday, April 4, 2010


So now that Holy Week is over I have to say that it took a lot of will power to maintain my program, what with the list my Ilonggo-food-craving cousins had, I had to endure not eating Batchoy and Halo-halo at 21, EVERYTHING in Inaka and booze wherever we went. I cheated 4 times in the 10-day long eating and drinking frenzy and it was mostly on the booze. Blame it on the alcohol? Not! How can I say no to a cousin who hasn't been home in 2 years, another cousin who hasn't been to Negros in a decade, and to the rest of my fun-loving family members AND friends?

I started to feel like I was such a kill joy and that I wasn't actually living. But hey, there's that hidden feeling of accomplishment when growing waistlines and "shrinking" clothes become obvious. He he he.

Now I can't say I'm challenge free at this point just because Holy Week is over. What it is is that I have less excuses of not getting better and bigger results and a lot more time to reach my goal. It's all about determination, pacing, and a large collection of my high school beach pictures for inspiration.

This will work because I will work.

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