Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Back to Boxing

After a grueling 2nd semester as a senior in college, I was finally able to let out all the tension that seemed to show itself in the wrinkles between my eyebrows. It was a daily battle to wake up, drive 45 minutes to an hour in Manila traffic to school, go home, work on projects and read articles that require you to look beyond the finiteness of everything that exists. Yeah, not easy readings at all. And the projects were far from being an entertaining, I'm-doing-what-I-love thing; it was more of will power and forced creativity. So glad that is all over, for now.

Now I have boxing to drain the stress that I now look as though I live without since I have nothing to do except go to the gym in the afternoons and download movies all night. I'm actually bored. Mong (my Elorde boxing trainer) told me that our training session yesterday was a hard one. Aside from the usual round of speed ball, hanging ball and bag, he made me do body punches during mitts. By the end of the session I felt my body just wanting to rest. I slept for 14 hours straight!

I'm heading back to Negros tomorrow and I already have two workouts lined up for me. There's Kris' hip hop training class and there's boxing sessions either with Gimo (via in house boxing sessions) or enlisting in Mega Boxing as I did last year. Either way I am determined to exercise more than I drink. Haha. It has been two weeks since I've consumed any alcohol and it feels great! I guess there's nothing to drink to anymore.

P.S. I splurged the first half of my allowance on a chic summer dress and studded gladiator pumps. Hence, my closet is confused because of my contrasting purchases.

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