Thursday, March 11, 2010

Red Red Wine

This is me with my wine. Having a crossroad kinda high being back home in Silay. I feel like I've grown so much since I was last just happened. It's weird how fast growing up is. It's even more weird when you realize that you actually get along with your parents. Am I really all grown up? Am I really...oh God...dreadfully...mature?

I know I can't fight time or age or space. Philosophy is catching up on me; it's more applicable now and that scares me. At this point I feel that no matter how stained my teeth are with wine I'm still me only with more experience and more wants.

Right now I want to just travel and see the world. I just want to be a lone soul amid all other souls and be able to identify myself as I am. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to find myself in other places and not in the places I'm used to see myself in. I dare to be somewhere different to bring out a different me, hopefully.

Maybe this is the wine talking, but then, it could also be the real me.

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