Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I can defend my Candidate, can you?

May nagawa. May ginagawa. May magagawa.

GORDON for President

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One up!

I noticed I don't have any of my works up yet. I have to find time to scan my doodles coz they're everywhere! On my sketchpads, on my notebooks, on odd pieces of paper...well, here's a start.

Goal for next month: to sketch at least 5 portraits of people sleeping, 5 made up characters or places, 5 drawings of still life, and 5 typographic art.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Summer Class

The heat. The long walk from one class to the next under the heat. The required classes and the professors that go with them. The rushed readings and deadlines. The lack of sleep. The getting up early. The 1 hour commute. All before noon. Every day. I cringe.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


So now that Holy Week is over I have to say that it took a lot of will power to maintain my program, what with the list my Ilonggo-food-craving cousins had, I had to endure not eating Batchoy and Halo-halo at 21, EVERYTHING in Inaka and booze wherever we went. I cheated 4 times in the 10-day long eating and drinking frenzy and it was mostly on the booze. Blame it on the alcohol? Not! How can I say no to a cousin who hasn't been home in 2 years, another cousin who hasn't been to Negros in a decade, and to the rest of my fun-loving family members AND friends?

I started to feel like I was such a kill joy and that I wasn't actually living. But hey, there's that hidden feeling of accomplishment when growing waistlines and "shrinking" clothes become obvious. He he he.

Now I can't say I'm challenge free at this point just because Holy Week is over. What it is is that I have less excuses of not getting better and bigger results and a lot more time to reach my goal. It's all about determination, pacing, and a large collection of my high school beach pictures for inspiration.

This will work because I will work.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm giving myself a challenge, and that challenge is to concentrate on actually eating healthy food. I've recently learned through a body scan that I have the physical health of a 35 year old! Okay so first things first, the alcohol has to go. So does the cola and the junk food. My sleeping habits have to be fixed too! I must make my workouts show physically so that during my next body scan I'd physically be my age or even younger. My target age is 18. I can do this!

Yes, this is what summer does to me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Cartoon High

Today is cartoon day for me. I'm killing time by searching for long forgotten animated movies and/or cartoon shows. Listed them down and watched some of them in YouTube.

Animated Movies
Tonari No Totoro
Little Nemo
A Troll in Central Park
Asterix and Obelix
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Robin Hood
Fantasia/Fantasia 2000
Fern Gully
Lady and the Tramp
Lion King
Sleeping Beauty
An American Tale
Land Before Time
Pebble Penguin
The Jungle Book

TV shows
I Wanna Singa - Owl Jolson
Shaun the Sheep
Space Ghost Coast to Coast
I Am Weasel
Richie Rich
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Yogi Bear
The Flinstones
The Jetsons
Top Cat
Magilla Gorilla
The Great Grape Ape Show
Achoo the Sneezing Magician
Josie and the Pussycats
Munchee Chees
Captain Caveman
Dexter's Laboratory

Duck Tales WOOOHOOO!

80s and 90s cartoons are still the best ones!

Life is like a hurricane here in Duckburg
Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes - it's a duck blur
You might solve a mystery or rewrite history

Duck Tales, Oo-oO
Every day they're out there making
Duck Tales, Oo-oO
Tales of daring-do, bad and good luck tales, Oo-oO!

When its seems they're headed for the final curtain
Bold deduction never fails, that's for certain
The worst of messes become successes!

Duck Tales, Oo-oO
Every day they're out there making
Duck Tales, Oo-oO
Tales of derring-do, bad and good luck tales, Oo-oO!

D-d-d-danger, watch behind you
there's a stranger out to find you
What to do? Just grab onto some Duck Tales, Oo-oO!

Duck Tales, Oo-oO
Every day they're out there making
Duck Tales, Oo-oO
Tales of derring-do, bad and good luck tales, Oo-oO!

Not pony tails or cotton tails but Duck Tales, Oo-oO!

Red Red Wine

This is me with my wine. Having a crossroad kinda high being back home in Silay. I feel like I've grown so much since I was last just happened. It's weird how fast growing up is. It's even more weird when you realize that you actually get along with your parents. Am I really all grown up? Am I really...oh God...dreadfully...mature?

I know I can't fight time or age or space. Philosophy is catching up on me; it's more applicable now and that scares me. At this point I feel that no matter how stained my teeth are with wine I'm still me only with more experience and more wants.

Right now I want to just travel and see the world. I just want to be a lone soul amid all other souls and be able to identify myself as I am. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to find myself in other places and not in the places I'm used to see myself in. I dare to be somewhere different to bring out a different me, hopefully.

Maybe this is the wine talking, but then, it could also be the real me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Buckle Up

Okay so I want these. Hehe. Can't be any more frank than that. Hey I think I deserve a bit of honesty to myself. And yes, I'm one of those girls. I spent the afternoon browsing the web looking at shoes and here are the shoes I wouldn't mind owning. Hehe. Oh, and I'm into buckles now.

Scent of a Woman

Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Women! What can you say? Who made 'em? God must have been a fuckin' genius. The hair... They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... just wanted to go to sleep forever? Or lips... and when they touched, yours were like... that first swallow of wine... after you just crossed the desert. Tits. Hoo-ah! Big ones, little ones, nipples staring right out at ya, like secret searchlights. Mmm. Legs. I don't care if they're Greek columns... or secondhand Steinways. What's between 'em... passport to heaven. I need a drink. Yes, Mr Sims, there's only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing: pussy. Hah! Are you listenin' to me, son? I'm givin' ya pearls here.

EPIC. A definite 10 out of 10 in my book.

One First

Well, what can I say but there's a first time for everything and this one is Francine's first ever Photobooth picture! And it's with me!

This picture was taken right before she had to take a bath with mommy. We were bored and she was about to cry so I tried entertaining her with Photobooth and it worked! :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Back to Boxing

After a grueling 2nd semester as a senior in college, I was finally able to let out all the tension that seemed to show itself in the wrinkles between my eyebrows. It was a daily battle to wake up, drive 45 minutes to an hour in Manila traffic to school, go home, work on projects and read articles that require you to look beyond the finiteness of everything that exists. Yeah, not easy readings at all. And the projects were far from being an entertaining, I'm-doing-what-I-love thing; it was more of will power and forced creativity. So glad that is all over, for now.

Now I have boxing to drain the stress that I now look as though I live without since I have nothing to do except go to the gym in the afternoons and download movies all night. I'm actually bored. Mong (my Elorde boxing trainer) told me that our training session yesterday was a hard one. Aside from the usual round of speed ball, hanging ball and bag, he made me do body punches during mitts. By the end of the session I felt my body just wanting to rest. I slept for 14 hours straight!

I'm heading back to Negros tomorrow and I already have two workouts lined up for me. There's Kris' hip hop training class and there's boxing sessions either with Gimo (via in house boxing sessions) or enlisting in Mega Boxing as I did last year. Either way I am determined to exercise more than I drink. Haha. It has been two weeks since I've consumed any alcohol and it feels great! I guess there's nothing to drink to anymore.

P.S. I splurged the first half of my allowance on a chic summer dress and studded gladiator pumps. Hence, my closet is confused because of my contrasting purchases.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Francine, Francine

Our baby damulag has the cutest wardrobe (hand-me-downs courtesy of Manang Thirdy, Manang Bea, Tita Timi and yours truly). She has a knack for onesies and anything pink. Hope there'll be more smiling than crying in the next few months!

Color of the day: Tickled pink with a dash of mint

An oral exam

At 9:15 this morning my philosophy professor gave me 5 seconds to say my final statement, the last statement I would ever say as a philosophy student under Mike Mariano, EVER. I wanted to say something with depth, something that would at least give him something to chew on. But being the frantic, over analytical me, I ended up saying something quirky. I said "Sir I'm going to cry, I'm going to die and crawl into my cave." Not the least bit impressive. It's not even in the same country as impressive, more like impressionistic. I gave away a statement of my raw emotions the moment I hit the 15 minute mark and sealed my fate of all that is Ateneo philosophy. Besides, I'm only 2 major projects and another oral exam away from freedom. Sigh.

It was a God awful feeling to walk out of that consultation room without saying anything systematic or sensible. I guess my thoughts were just drawn in hazy dabs enough to see what I meant but not really getting the gist of it. Oh how so Monet of me. Good enough.